Friday, September 6, 2013

Severe Neck & Neck Pain - What's Up?

     Most of us who suffer from severe back or neck pain can accurately pinpoint the date when "it" happened; the first day that the we lifted a heavy box, we were hit from behind in a traffic collision, we bent over the wrong way, etc. From that moment on, the pain has invaded not only our bodies, but every aspect of our lives.

     Hello and welcome. My name is Steve Greene and I have been enduring severe back pain since 1992. Over the last couple of months, I have met or spoken with the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time, all suffering from prolonged and intractable back pain. And from numerous news reports, there are thousands, if not, tens-of-thousands of us across this country, let alone the world! So, after several days of consideration, I decided to create this blog where anyone who is in the same "boat" can discuss his/her own situations and share the successes and the failures of the therapies, injections and procedures that they have been through.

     I am also researching the necessary tools and accessories it will take to begin a podcast to accompany and underscore this blog. I already have several volunteers who are willing to be interviewed for a podcast. Of course, both processes will be done with your privacy, first and foremost.

     I am sure that many of you are asking yourself, "What's in this for me?" What I hope to offer is a place where we can share our stories and see that we are not alone. When the news reports or newspaper articles decry that opioid medicines should be restricted only to patients with severe, cancer-related pain, we will discuss the matter here. When your Workmen's Compensation doctor tell you there is nothing else he/she can do for you, you can come here to here what other patients have done when the exact same thing happened to them.

     I have no doubt that we will laugh together and we will very likely cry together. However, the operative word is, "together." So please, give it a try, maybe even submit your own story. I will be adding my early experiences tomorrow. Till then, take a deep breath, curl your lips upward and

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