Thursday, May 21, 2015

So Why Do You Want Us to Read More About DALMATPROD???

On our Twitter posts @DalmatProd, we use the 140 characters to support all Fire-Rescue, EMS & Law Enforcement agencies and the people that they work for.  So why are we so involved with emergency services? The first answer to that is that the four key partners of Dalmatian Productions, Inc., are still or have been, members of the fire-rescue or law enforcement services. But more than that is that it is a goal to bring to open television, a program that focuses on many facets of the fire department, be it career or volunteer or paid-on-call.

There were some great shows in the old days, such as, "WhirlyBirds," "Rescue9." "Firehouse." "Code-Red,"and almost every one's favorite, "EMERGENCY!" This show had such a positive influence on its viewers, that hundreds, if not thousands, entered the fire service and EMS (Emergency Medical Services) as their career path.

I know I did and a good-sized group of people I know also went in as either career or volunteers, based on their viewing experiences from watching. "EMERGENCY!" week after week.

Yet, even after the Tragedy of 9-11 2001, firefighters were in the headlines for a few weeks and then their stories tapered off on the local news affiliates. Yet no one came up with a strong, positive show that could entertain the viewing audience, deliver subtle, but distinct educational content, especially for youngsters and help the plight of those brave souls of your local fire-rescue "barn,"who have made either a major sacrifice and those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice and perished in the midst of their action.

Yet, the question remains unanswered: Why are we on Twitter, "tweeting" about firefighters, cops, EMT's and Paramedic and similar issues?

It has taken over 10 years to finally generate some interest in the vast land of "American Television" for a program that is ours.We will tell a fictional story, with very, very true segments and parts to it, that will show you just what most local departments have to do, one way or another. 

I would love to share the title and a real description of the show to you, however, we haven't reached that point yet. And as I am sure you all realize, TV, Films, Hollywood, they are all part of an upper level attorney's dreams, because the business is so litigious. A law suit is filed in a local, district, state or federal court every few seconds in this business. So even though I can't tell you ALL about the show, that should be enough to whet your whistles. And now the answer to your big question, WHY?

At the moment, are show has excellent names in the talent-representation  and productions business reviewing our synopsis and the script for the pilot episode. But in this business, that's not enough. Sometimes show-writers and producers have to hear the excitement from a live audience and through snail-mail, email, and hand delivery  of thousands of a selected product relevant to the show. And THIS is where YOU come in.

We hope to build up a huge group of followers who are firefighters, paramedics, EMT's, ambulance attendants, Emergency Room doctors,  psychiatric doctors, and fire buffs, one and all. We want you ready when we actually announce that she show's pilot episode script is picked up, to give the studio or production company that will produce the show, a great deal of support.

And there's another thought: Maybe they like the idea, but are unsure if the show will go over with the targeted office. The studio heads may need "encouragement" to look at our show and to decide yo give it a chance. Again, that's where all of you will come in.

Let's look at it this way: There are nearly one million firefighters in the U.S. with between 60%-70% of that number being volunteers or paid-per-call firefighters. Nevertheless, whether they do this as their job or they give so much of their private time of which there is so little, you all have a voice, due to the fact that you work, you pay taxes, you buy gas, you have a home, etc.

In Hollywood-land, one never knows what's going to happen, unless and until it actually does. So we want to come to you and share the news with you. Maybe, we'll have to ask you to help us by calling, writing or mailing the studio, to tell them you want to see our show! Or maybe. it will be the news that a studio is picking up our show and there's cause to celebrate as firefighters are so ready to do.

So, please follow us on Twitter using @DalmatProd and keep abreast with what's happening with our show. In the meantime, we follow many of you and would love to hear your good news as well.

Till next time...